
Learning French as a Second Language

Learning a new language can be difficult, no matter what language it is! I understand that some students may already speak more than one language at home, so incorporating another may be challenging. Here are some helpful age-appropriate resources to have when learning French. They may help with fluency, reading comprehension, or simply building confidence.

1. DuoLingo : This free website and app allows users to choose the level of French they would like to learn. There is an option to begin with basic concepts or you can use a more catered approach by taking the French placement test. Then, using a series of reading, writing, and listening games, users can build fluency and confidence as they practice vocabulary and proper grammar.

2. Hello World : Using a variety of child-friendly games, users become more comfortable listening and speaking in French. The wide selection of available games pertains to many areas of interest and many strengths.

3. Monde des titounis : This website teaches basic concepts in French using child-friendly language, bright colours, and catchy songs. There is also a section on this website that translates beloved English tales into French, allowing learners to have a base knowledge of the story before reading or hearing it in French. They also have a YouTube channel which plays some of their lesson videos.

4. The Fable Cottage : These traditional folk and fairy tales are translated and read in French. Learners have the opportunity to listen to the story being read, read it to themselves using on-screen text, or do both simultaneously. There is also the option to pause the story at any time and  look up any unfamiliar terminology.

5. Conjuguemos : This website is useful for students who need an added challenge in French. Users can practice conjugating verbs correctly in French, using proper rules and learning the exceptions and different verb tenses.

There are also many iPad and iPhone apps that you can download from the Apple app store to learn and practice basic concepts in French, including colours, numbers, seasons, days, months, greetings, letters, sounds, etc.
